About Bute Arts Society

OUR AMBITION: to fund a new 'Concert Grand Piano' for all on the island of Bute, as our currently loaned Piano since 2015, returns to Rothesay Pavilion in 2026.
Bute Arts Society 2024/25 Season: we are an ambitious society, with concerts doubling and audiences trebling since Lockdown. We are supported by 18 island businesses advertisers and sponsored by both Bute Island Foods - a company of international repute, the island charity 'For Bute'; and Rothesay Common Good Fund through Argyll & Bute Council. We have statutory funding from Chamber Music Scotland through Creative Scotland. Larger activities are supported by both Trusts and local sponsorship.

To ensure financial security, we have active Trustees, Patrons, Friends & Season-Ticket Holders.
Society Objectives: Bute is classed as an area of multiple deprivation. The Trustees believe that access to the 'Arts' is key to a myriad of educational and career opportunities and want the Arts to be available to all at modest cost. Traditionally hosting just 6 classical chamber music concerts, we now promote 12 monthly shows, from Soloists and Ensembles, to Opera, Choirs, Brass Bands, Jazz Groups, traditional Folk Music & Gaelic Groups and now Theatre & Drama. The Society ensures it is inclusive to those less fortunate.
Audience attendance: numbers have increased from as low as 35 to now up to 130 plus for normal concerts to as high as 250 plus for larger events. For a small island population, this change affords a variety of quality live Music and the Arts to residents of the island who would otherwise incur considerable travel and overnight costs due to restricted terry timetables.
All performances are free to school children.

Concert Venue & new Piano home: at the new Isle of Bute Parish Church, who's members have actively welcomed the Society to its existing portfolio of users. The Kirk Session has already made major changes to the sanctuary to allow performances of all sizes to be housed, including space for the new Piano. We plan for digital streaming of concerts to those too ill or infirm to attend using the Church equipment.
Society sustainability: wishing to be able to confirm performances beyond January 2026, we want to have the finest piano available for our many Scottish, UK wide and International artists who now visit Bute. In the present challenging times, we seek support across a range of Trusts, Sponsors and Private Individuals to allow us to reach our target. The welcoming venue exists, the ambition exists and our concert planning is now working in Spring 2027 with many performances requiring a quality piano. We envisage that the funding of a new grand piano will further increase our audience engagement at concerts and improve the future sustainability of the Arts Society and sequentially the Church venue.
Support Credit: we envisage crediting any support in our Concert Brochure, distributed to 4,300 Bute homes, on our Monthly Posters distributed throughout the island and in concert Programmes available at all concerts. Credit will be shown on a Bute Arts Society Web site Page and on our active Facebook Page.

APPEAL: to raise £35,000 to fund a new Yamaha concert 'Grand Piano' for all on the island of Bute.
Support is sought to purchase a new, international concert standard, Grand Piano for the Island, to be housed at the Bute Arts Society's main concert base at the Isle of Bute Parish Church. Our current loaned piano from 2015 returns to the multi-purpose Rothesay Pavilion in 2026, a venue far too large for our normal Winter concerts.
The new Piano to be made available to the whole community for concerts and to School pupils for both practice and national exams.
The current List price of a Yamaha 'C' Grand Piano is c. £52,000. Yamaha UK have offered Bute Arts Society a Business to Business rate vat inclusive of £33,750 subject to availability.
Contact at Yamaha:
Pars Evrenos,
Business & Education Specialist,
The Yamaha Brand Store,
152-160 Wardour Street,
Phone: +44 2074324400

Download PDF version of newspaper clipping
Appeal Launched - Friday 29th November 2024 in the IOB News:
With a £5,000 donation from the Bute Island Charity, 'For Bute'.
Following this, pledged sums amounting to £18,600 have been committed as early as Sunday 01 December. Further support is sought from Trusts, Businesses and Private Individuals from within Bute and further afield with a 'Just Giving' Web Site being Set Up.
Just Giving: We're working hard on making our Just Giving page live, but for now, please contact John using the methods below.
Your Support: is requested and Donations can be made direct by contacting: The Bute Arts Society Hon. Secretary - John Blue
Please use the form below to enquire about the piano appeal, or email John using the button below
Further contact details can be found by downloading the following BAS Piano Appeal PDF.
Piano Appeal Contact Form
To contact us simply fill out the form below and we'll reply as soon as we can.
We'll be in touch with your soon.
Visit often as Season Information is updated
About Us / Who We Are
The Trustees of BAS (Bute Arts Society) are a group Arts Enthusiasts who have promoted in the main Classical Music on Bute for over 50 years but now diversifying into other spheres.
We are a registered Charity and currently we have the use of the Rothesay Pavilion Piano which is moving to the new Isle of Bute Parish Church and maintained by BAS - Bute Arts Society and used by us for our concerts. We currently promote nine concerts per year in the church and our larger Gala Opera & Theatre performances takes place in the Main Hall of Rothesay Joint Campus.
We are a registered Scottish Charity with a Constitution and are happy to provide further information as per the guidelines of the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator.
BAS is indebted to our many sponsors, funders and concertgoers for their continuing support and for making quality music available on Bute.
Young People get in Free for BAS events!
We are proud that we are able to invite all young people on the island to attend our concerts without charge and this is due to the support of the Island Charity ‘For Bute’ and the for the Summer Galas, the D’Oyly Carte Trust.
Funders, Sponsors & Advertisers
Thank you to the following in assisting in making the Arts available to All on Bute:
Rothesay Common Good Fund - through Argyll & Bute Council, for the funding of both the new Web site and supporting two of the Summer Gala performances.
Sponsors Individually by Events
The support of the generous Bute businesses below allows Bute Arts Society to replace funding from Trusts which previously supported the concert season. In particular we are indebted to Bute Island Foods Community Fund for making possible the Opera performances. The Ardyne & St Ebba Hotels for accommodation. The ‘For Bute’ charity initiative for the Sponsorship of our Season concerts for the last two years.
And of course Bute Arts Society Patrons & Friends!
Financial Assistance is acknowledged from:
Specific Event Assistance:
May 2022 - Gala Concert Sponsors:
Ballianlay Choir, Bute Arts Society Friends, Glasgow Phoenix Choir, Jolomo - Dr John Lowrie Morrison OBE, Print Point and a generous Anonymous local Sponsor
August 2022 - Opera Bohemia Gala:
The ‘Marriage of Figaro’ opera performance was made possible through the support of Bute Island Foods Community Fund
Season 2022/23 - the 9 Winter Season Concerts:
The nine monthly winter season concerts are supported by the Bute Island Charity ‘For Bute’
Season 2022/23 & 2023/24 - Programme Advertisers:
Brechin’s Restaurant, Bussey’s Carpets & Beds, Butterflies of Bute, Bute Signs & Graphics, The Castle Gallery, the Dressing Room, W & J Duncan Garage, Island Treasures/Afro-Celt Art, Flowers by Janine, John Murray Plumbing & Heating, Just Menswear, MacQueens of Rothesay Butchers, Gerry McGuigan Joiners Glaziers & Builders, Carol Nunan Printmaker, Print Point, Rothesay Motor Services, Ruth Slater Artist, Michael Sweeney Plumbing.
Season 2023/24
The nine monthly winter season concerts are supported by the Bute Island Charity ‘For Bute’. The Opera, Madama Butterfly was supported by ‘Bute Island Foods Community Fund’.
Season 2023/24
As well as Statutory Funding we welcome the continuing support of ‘For Bute’ along with the financial support of a continuing local anonymous sponsor.
Business Advertisers The Support of the businesses listed above allows Bute Arts Society to provide informative Programmes at all concerts & events.
Patrons & Friends
The Patrons of Bute Arts Society are a group of Private Individuals who support the Arts on Bute. Benefits include invitations to receptions and special events. Patrons are listed in the concert Programmes. Funds support special Gala performances and larger events. Join at any time by contacting the Secretary. Membership is open to all and is £50 minimum annually.
The Friends of Bute Arts Society are a group of Private Individuals who are supporters of the Society. Membership is open to all and is £10 annually.
Joining as a Friend allows us to show that we have support when making funding applications.
SINGLE TICKETS - On Line or at the Door at Concert
Tickets for All Performances for the 2024/2025 Season can now be purchased in advance using the ‘WeGotTickets’ site who add a modest administrative charge to their Tickets. Buy tickets for our future events.
Alternatively go to their web site www.wegottickets.com and then use the search facility, inserting in the venue or Town of your performance and purchase from there. There will always be Tickets available at the Door and we now take Card Payments.
Get a season ticket for a £20.00 saving across the season
Season Ticket holders assist the Society in planning for future concerts. They currently attract a £20 saving on the normal ticket price and are available from the start of the Season purchased either before by email to the Secretary and usually available at the first three concerts. If unable to attend, you may transfer your ticket to family and friends.
Media & Print
The Bute Arts Society Web site is administered by Wright Designer.
The Facebook site is administered by John Lawson. Contact - John by email here
Programmes & Brochures
Programmes are designed by the Secretary. Contact John by email here
All Bute Arts Society Print is undertaken by Print Point Rothesay.
Bute Arts Society - Trustees
Bute Arts Society is run and organised by the following people: