Pocket Opera CarmenCo

CarmenCo is more than a concert: It’s a performance of Spanish and Spanish-inspired music presented as a play, roughly following the story of Bizet’s opera Carmen but told from her point of view.

Dare you consult the cards with her? What does she think of the men in her story? Did she foresee her gruesome ending? And does she like the opera that was written about her!

An unusual, highly entertaining evening with superb musical artistry.

TICKETS: when purchasing an Adult Ticket you may purchase up to a maximum of 2 Children’s Tickets Free of Charge. Children attend Free thanks to the support of ‘For Bute’.
CHILDREN GO FREE: Children attend for Free thanks to support from ’For Bute’
RUNNING TIME: (approx): 2hr (inc 20 minute interval)
Suitable for ages 8+

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Last updated on: 
May 28, 2024